20 thoughts on “Goles De Messi En Champions League Wikipedia”
D10N must be first
CR7 is the Goat. He's insane! The best football player of history.
Despite the number of goals, the greatest of all times is undoubtedly Pelé! Only who saw him play can compare! Pelé was a complete player. Had no weaknesses. As many assists as goals. Knew how to defend and attack. Kick well with his left leg. Kick well with his right leg. Had amazing ability. Shot heads were perfect. Scored all kind of goals. Even as a goalkeeper he was good. Absolute in brazilian national team for more than ten years. Greatest scorer of brazilian national team. World champion three times, scoring goals in the decisive games like semifinals and finals of two world cups. World champion at the age of 17 years. Would have won the Golden Ball at least seven times if in his time non-European players could win! More than 1200 goals in career with an average of almost a goal per game. Much more effective that Maradona, Messi or any other! Creator of number 10 mystic. Elected the athlete of the XX century by the International Olympic Committee. You can't compare him to anyone! You can choose the criteria: technical or titles and Pelé wins.
Curriculum of Pelé: 6 Brazilian championships (formerly called Brazilian Cup), 2 Copas Libertadores, 2 world clubs, 3 World Cup, 1281 goals in 1363 matches with a 0.93 goal per game, the absolute star of the Brazilian national team between 1958 to 1973, best young player of the world cup of 1958, best player of the world cup of 1970, top scorer of the Brazilian national team, player with more goals in the World Cup finals …
Didnt Ronaldo fenomeno had near200 pro before he reached 20, 40+ at cruzerio, 50+ at PSV + 47 @ Barca +18 @ Brazil nationals
Where is Zlatan?
Cr and Messi 0 world cup ?
Why is neymar in this
Messi is GOAT?????? penaldo is shit??????????
Where is Wilimowski?
I'm sure at 41 messi & C. Ronaldo can surpass Pele & Romario
Messi = ?
Neymar ?? Wtf
Romario is a machine of make goals. The best world player FIFA 1994.
Without lesion, Ronaldo (the Brazilian) would be the second, behind of Pelé.
Which neymar is this?
Messi Goat
Which software/aplication made this stats ?
I am the fan of Ronaldos. both r9 and cr7 are great
Make the same players how many times they played a World Cup and how many times they won it!!!!! Goals aren't enough..
D10N must be first
CR7 is the Goat. He's insane! The best football player of history.
Despite the number of goals, the greatest of all times is undoubtedly Pelé! Only who saw him play can compare! Pelé was a complete player. Had no weaknesses. As many assists as goals. Knew how to defend and attack. Kick well with his left leg. Kick well with his right leg. Had amazing ability. Shot heads were perfect. Scored all kind of goals. Even as a goalkeeper he was good. Absolute in brazilian national team for more than ten years. Greatest scorer of brazilian national team. World champion three times, scoring goals in the decisive games like semifinals and finals of two world cups. World champion at the age of 17 years. Would have won the Golden Ball at least seven times if in his time non-European players could win! More than 1200 goals in career with an average of almost a goal per game. Much more effective that Maradona, Messi or any other! Creator of number 10 mystic. Elected the athlete of the XX century by the International Olympic Committee. You can't compare him to anyone! You can choose the criteria: technical or titles and Pelé wins.
More complete: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDpFKBBD8ko
Assists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kftR0a8AL0
Ball control: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcvdYj9h9mw
Defending: https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_636379279&feature=iv&index=17&list=PLN3DPiwyc1-jD1V0XobqwnvBs8xrhTNat&src_vid=BfjsjCOehYQ&v=V-CWPKrgXJY
Heads: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKUbAGAvgaw&t=2s
Dribling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8VdLFafliw
Free kicks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1-XaScelds
Acrobatics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwEygdaUzIQ
Pelé x Europe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEaT-d4aQfo&t=475s
Pelé on current days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eojTtpRuJAE
Pelé x Maradona: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eojTtpRuJAE
Pelé x Messi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eojTtpRuJAE
Pelé and the golden ball : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIU1WWV6v9g
Pelé in decisive games: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-00VWffoks
How they tried to stop Pelé: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqP_oC0XBp8&t=155s
Pelé did before other magnificent players: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PHtxlO_Ys8
What Legends Say About Him (Cruyff, Di Stefano, Maradona, Platini, Ronaldo ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EEyioil2Kg&t=280s
Pelé greatest player of century https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lista_dos_futebolistas_do_s%C3%A9culo_pela_IFFHS
Pelé’s Techniques https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJwkbPm-4Wg
Curriculum of Pelé: 6 Brazilian championships (formerly called Brazilian Cup), 2 Copas Libertadores, 2 world clubs, 3 World Cup, 1281 goals in 1363 matches with a 0.93 goal per game, the absolute star of the Brazilian national team between 1958 to 1973, best young player of the world cup of 1958, best player of the world cup of 1970, top scorer of the Brazilian national team, player with more goals in the World Cup finals …
Didnt Ronaldo fenomeno had near200 pro before he reached 20, 40+ at cruzerio, 50+ at PSV + 47 @ Barca +18 @ Brazil nationals
Where is Zlatan?
Cr and Messi 0 world cup ?
Why is neymar in this
Messi is GOAT?????? penaldo is shit??????????
Where is Wilimowski?
I'm sure at 41 messi & C. Ronaldo can surpass Pele & Romario
Messi = ?
Neymar ?? Wtf
Romario is a machine of make goals. The best world player FIFA 1994.
Without lesion, Ronaldo (the Brazilian) would be the second, behind of Pelé.
Which neymar is this?
Messi Goat
Which software/aplication made this stats ?
I am the fan of Ronaldos. both r9 and cr7 are great
Make the same players how many times they played a World Cup and how many times they won it!!!!! Goals aren't enough..