Check out the three goals scored by Leo Messi during the open-doors training session at the Miniestadi on Friday January 3.
No et perdis els tres gols que ha fet Leo Messi durant l’entrenament de portes obertes que s’ha fet al Miniestadi aquest divendres 3 de gener de 2014.
No te pierdas los tres goles que ha logrado Leo Messi en el entrenamiento de puertas abiertas que se ha celebrado este viernes 3 de enero de 2014 en el Miniestadi.
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The way they link up for the first goal.?
imagine messi playing 5a side "
tello hizo mierda a masche?
even barcelona can't stop messi?
I thought it was a hat trick beacause it said Messi`s hat-trick not Messi`s hatrick?
seems like messi likes to pick his nose?
messi the best?
Sempre messi?
its not leo its lionel messi?
Messi is the BEST?
By the way messi is better than ranaldo ranaldo is SHIT!?
Iddexterityii you racist mother fucker
Messi will be better this year.?
BARCA is the best?
Cr7 ur king is back!
Fuck all you haters ass nigga messi is a beast so go suck dick bitches?
messi soy tu fan tengo todo de vos las revistas de tu historias poster y me encanta verte jugar eres un ckracck mejor que cristiano ronaldo eres el mejor del mundo los goles que iso haora en enero 2014 partido fueron increibles?